Saturday 29 March 2014

Q7 Evaluation

Looking back at my preliminary task, I've developed quite a lot. During the preliminary task, I had to edit on my own being I acquired a range of skills I otherwise wouldn't have done. This helped enormously within our actual thriller as I felt more confident and able when it came to the editing. I also learnt the importance of camera angles and shots and how these affect the audience thus I took this knowledge with me when continuing onto the actual thriller. Continuity is a major aspect of filming and I have since learnt the importance of such, we had to re film many shots due to minor differences in location (e.g. someones bag in one shot and not in another). Our team work skills also developed greatly as we all took part in every aspect of the the production from filming to editing to directing and acting. I've also learnt the vital importance of a cliffhanger, and how the leading action has to build suspense in order for the cliffhanger to work. Originally, we we're going to kill off a character straight away however, the ending to our opening would then have been irrelevant and the audience would not have wanted to watch on.
I have learnt a lot from creating out thriller and its given the upmost respect for those in media industry.


  1. Could you please break this up into separate paragraphs as you discuss each aspect of your progress with planning, research, editing, and camera angles and movement.

    This is a little brief. If you have time could you develop your points

  2. It is important that you head up each of your 7 answers with the title of the question. Could you please do this without delay.

    Check through your work to see that your answers are fluent, use media language and that you provide appropriate examples from your research and planning to illustrate your points.

  3. Could you please add another label: G321 Completed Productions and upload your prelim film and thriller opening under this label. Thanks Danielle.
