Saturday 29 March 2014

Q6 Evaluation

I have used many different technologise throughout my AS blog including Prezi and embedding video. 

  • Prezi is a very effective way of condensing information and a more interesting way of presenting links between my own points.

  • Moreover, uploading clips and embedding them onto my blog and copying screenshots from other thrillers as well as our own thriller has help to elaborate on my blogposts and to too make them more interesting.

  • I also scanned in photographs such storyboards to demonstrate a more artistic, visual level of our productions.

The internet was crucial for research as websites such as IMDB allowed me to find out bursts of information on particular films as well as giving audience reviews. Youtube too as helpful as it often had specific scenes I needed to include rather than searing through entire DVDs or Television schedules.

When deciding on a location I took many photographs on my mobile phone, this was a quick way of visually seeing our thriller come to life, so to speak.

Both my Preliminary task and Thriller opening has been uploaded onto YouTube meaning it was at easy access to adapt certain blog posts, and allowed me to add screen shots and clips from them both easily to the blog.

In order to maintain in contact with the rest of my group we used social media to arrange when to shoot our thriller and to discuss any additionally information outside of the classroom.

The Shoot.

When shooting our thriller we used a digital camera to film with, this allowed us to easily review our footage whilst still out filming meaning we could quickly correct any shots. This also meant our footage was of high quality and could easily be edited.

When editing our thriller we uploaded our footage onto the computers via a USB stick and edited using various tools. We mainly used the cutting tool to rearrange our footage and to place it together so that it flowed. We also used slow motion and various fades to enhance suspense.

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