Saturday 29 March 2014

Q2 Evaluation

Our thriller production represents two particular social groups. 

Billy represents that of white British middle class teenage male, whom is dedicated and individual. We represent this group in a largely positive manner as the audience is encouraged to sympathise with him and his misfortune. Billy's costume is also reflective of this group in order to make an obvious initial connection.

Danielle represents that of white British, assumed middle class teenage females. We opted for presenting this group in a negative light. Danielle represents youth crime through her actions of stalking and murdering. This also shows an unusual division of gender as Billy is made vulnerable by Danielle's actions. We reversed the common dominant male antagonist, such as Bill in Kill Bill in order to encourage the audience to consider such crimes from both genders.

The fact both characters are middle class also subverts the norm as usually the media presents criminals as being lower/ working class or if middle class the crime will be white collar and intelligent. Danielle could perhaps be seen as working class by wearing a hoodie however this subjective.

Danielle's femmine qualities of pained nails and rings gives her a sense of femme fatal and thus almost flatters the female audience, this also makes it more relatable as the female audience may share a similar image.

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