Monday 18 November 2013

Independent Research - Fight Club

I made my Prezi on a friends account as I do not have one, I hope this is not a problem.

1 comment:

  1. There's plenty of enthusiasm in this excellently articulated and presented case study. I like the way you have identified the nihilistic ideology in the film.

    Again in order to strengthen you need to:

    Upload a clip or screen shots from one of the films and explain how and why the director uses, develops or challenges generic conventions. Think about focusing on location, or character types, or lighting design, the latter suggesting the film's noir credentials.

    Any research into thriller films or TV series needs to include the above for you to access the higher grade bands. This is to reflect your knowledge and understanding of the concept of genre.

    Think about the way you are analysing generic aspects of mise-en-scene in screen shots from the opening to “Essex Boys”.
